Meet Pastor Charlie

Hi Everyone!
Thanks for dropping by the FHCC website. We pray for the Lord to bring by whoever He wills to our site and church. So, you’re not checking us out today by coincidence. I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home, born & raised in Whittier. During my youth I tried to be a tough guy, but by the time I got to high school, I realized Jesus was the toughest, coolest dude ever and rededicated my life to follow Him. I met my beautiful wife Eileen in Highschool and God has blessed us with 32 years of marriage and four great kids, Alyssa 28, Jonathan 25, Justin 23 & Amanda 21. I started in ministry as an usher at Calvary Chapel Downey under Pastor Jeff Johnson. Jeff is still my favorite expositor of the word. I attended the Calvary Chapel Bible College Downey Extension, then completed the Pastoral Internship Program through CCBC at the Downey extension, under one of my mentors Pastor James Kaddis. Soon the Lord moved us to First Love Calvary Chapel with another awesome Mentor John Schaffer, I served with Pastor John for six years. Pastor John showed me the art of shepherding & loving the Lords people. Then the Lord moved us to the cold, rainy, snowy state of Washington. I’d like to say it was my desert experience, but it was in the mountains. The Lord connected me with Pastor Bill Ritchie who was the Senior Pastor of Crossroads Community Church, a Calvary Chapel affiliate. My 7 years serving under Pastor Bill as an assisting pastor, was awesome. Pastor Bill is the consummate pastor, serving under Bill was like going to a hands-on Bible College. Soon Pastor Daniel Fusco came in as the leading pastor as pastor Bill stepped into a founding pastor role. The Lord was calling us to plant FHCC, Pastor Daniel, being a church planter himself, helped us transition into that role. By God’s Grace, In August 2023 we celebrated our 10th year anniversary! It’s the Lord’s church, Jesus is our pastor and we follow Him, by the leading of the Holy Spirit. He builds His church and we are privileged to be His laborers. By comparison to other Calvary Chapel’s, FHCC is a small church, but the Lord is doing a great work! We invite you to come and join us, pray about being part of the family at FHCC. Make sure to come and say Hi!
Jesus Loves You So Much!
Pastor Charlie Barbosa